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Easily find cheap tickets for UK and European journeys

Available for more than 4,000 cities and 80,000 journeys, the Gopili app provides in real-time the best fares from more than 500 transport companies. Input your journey details and directly compare, in one search, all transport options for your journey. An easy way to save money at the touch of a button, even for last minute tickets.

Finding THE best option for your journey has never been easier

Easy-to-use, the app enables to sort the results by price, departure time or journey duration and to choose the transportation modes you want to use. A calendar enables you to compare the fares for different dates to help you find the cheapest ticket for you journey.

Willing to travel with friends? We help you to share the best fares.

Thanks to the share button situated at the top right hand side of the screen, you can easily send the best fares you found to the friends you’re travelling with by email, text message or via social networks.

Discover the best transport option for your journey at the touch of a button: train, coach, flight and ride share.